SSL certificate updated on August 24, 2018
Friday, 24th August, 2018
The SSL (TLS) certificate we use for encrypted communication with our web servers and mail servers was updated at 3:00 PM EST/EDT on Friday, August 24, 2018. The new certificate will expire two years from now.
Replacing the TLS certificate is usually completely transparent to most of our customers and visitors. The one exception is when you have accepted a TLS certificate mismatch in your browser or email client. For example, a customer who hosts at Elirion may tell the email software on their phone that it is connecting to However, our mail server will respond with a certificate for *, and the email software will warn the customer about the mismatch. The customer, knowing that they host at will tell the email software to accept the certificate and ignore the mismatch. However, when we update the certificate its date of expiration changes, and the email software will often ask the user to reconfirm the mismatch as the new certificate is not the one it was told to trust.